Make Up Your Fucking Mind…

Last night I had a talk with my homegirl Bri.  If you’ve been reading any of my past entries, you’d know she’s the inspiration for most of these shits.  Anyway, the main point of conversation is the utter confusion of women’s “wants” vs “needs”.  By the quotations, I’m defining the fact that most of you have things completely ass backwards, OR the fact that you just don’t make any gotdamn sense whatsoever when it comes to seeking companionship.

As usual, i’ll explain:

Take the average female for instance — a lot of you have had your ups & downs in relationships & primarily feel men aren’t shit, yet you continue to seek out the same characteristics in dating: nice body, “fine”, has a job & a car.  Do not debate this.  You know just as well as I do these are in your top 5…do not lie to me or yourself.  While that’s all good & well/fine & dandy, there are a plethora of men that fit this description.  Some aren’t shit, some are — but a majority of you wind up with the “ain’t shit” men then downplay the rest of us like we’re not worth your time.  *scratching head*

According to Bri, she doesn’t want a “good guy” because she feels as if she’ll walk all over him.  Yet, I’ve known her for a few years now & she’s dated a bunch of dickheads.  I’ve played the “guy friend” who listens & offers advice, even though I extremely despise doing so.  So the shit that absolutely makes no sense to me is…if you’re tired of men treating you like shit, why the fuck would you “walk all over” the good guy?  It makes absolutely zero sense.  You meet someone that, for once, caters to you & makes you feel like you’re worth more than fucking, but you do outlandish shit because you know he won’t get ignorant or just simply allows you to be you without judgment?

As the title states — make up your fucking mind.  Either you want someone that will treat you well or you want someone who will walk all over you.  It’s not rocket science.  Stop spewing bullshit without thought.  You might as well just be single for the rest of your life & satisfy your sexual urges with random guys that you don’t have to be attached to.  But wait…isn’t that the same type of female you bash for being hoes?


